Brain Training that works

Register now to take advantage of your brain training benefit offered by Elderplan to support your health and wellness.
Exercise Your Brain
Built on serious science
The BrainHQ brain training program represents the culmination of 30 years of research in brain science and neuroplasticity. It was designed by an international team of neuroscientists, led by Dr. Michael Merzenich—world famous for his discovery of adult brain plasticity—a breakthrough that showed that anyone can strengthen and enhance their brain.
Brain training that's right for you
It can fit into your life
It takes less than five minutes to do a BrainHQ level, so you can train in tiny bites or long blocks, depending on your schedule. Plus, you can use BrainHQ on almost any computer or mobile device, so you can take it on the go. If you want, you can set up personal training goals and have BrainHQ send you training reminders when you want them.

Try a few exercises
Want to try an exercise? Click the START button!
You'll notice that the exercise gets a little harder if you're doing well, and a little easier if you're having trouble. Each exercise adapts to you, and training in each level takes less than five minutes.
To try different exercises, choose an icon below and click START again.
Built for your success
BrainHQ has dozens of online exercises that work out attention, brain speed, memory, people skills, navigation, and intelligence.
You can track your progress over time, and - if you like detail - drill down into performance reporting on individual exercise levels and design your own brain training schedule.
You can even add your friends and family to your brain training team to build community and stay motivated!
The cognitive benefits are proven
BrainHQ exercises help people think faster, focus better, and remember more - helping them be happier, healthier, and more in control of their lives. More than 100 published research papers—most of which were independently conducted by respected scientists - show the benefits. (Of course, every study is conducted on a different group of people, and individual results vary.)
Ask a question
Call (888) 496-1675 or ask a question directly to our support team.

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